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What are you training in the orbital training module?

What are you training in the orbital training module?

Since the working environment of flight attendants is at high altitude, once the plane has an accident, it is necessary to insist on affirmation and can clearly think and teach others how to save themselves. Therefore, understanding the various equipment on the plane is what every flight attendant technology student must grasp. Blindly stopping theoretical education will not allow students to truly grasp it, so it is necessary to use the orbital exercise cabin to allow students to practice.

For example, the B737-800\/320 includes an emergency evacuation cabin: the empty weight of this training cabin is 19 tons, and it can carry 81 people when it is full. Drills, and when the aircraft is in an emergency state, assist passengers to use the on-board emergency equipment correctly, and according to the rules of emergency evacuation procedures, correctly and skillfully open various exits\/doors of the aircraft, and guide passengers to evacuate from the cockpit flexibly, etc. technology.

The main training contents include: understanding the cockpit escape port, the communication drill between the cockpit and the passenger cabin, the combined escape drill for the crew, the use of smoke mask and oxygen mask, the normal opening and eager opening of the cabin door, and the emergency opening of the emergency window. Open drills, use slides for emergency land evacuation drills from the cabin, use emergency windows for emergency land evacuation drills from the passenger cabin, model rescue drills in the cabin, model drills for pressure loss in the cabin, model drills for various defects, control drills for cabin lighting, flight attendant control surfaces Wrench operation drill, in-flight broadcast and intercom operation drill, call system operation drill, passenger entertainment system operation drill, etc.