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Significance and Composition of Aircraft Simulation Cabin

The aircraft simulation cabin mainly simulates the movement of the 6 degrees of freedom of the aircraft, including front and rear, left and right, and up and down movements; simulates the movement caused by the changes of the aircraft under various flight conditions; simulates the attitude and collision effects of landing and landing Motion that occurs when the brakes are applied; simulates vibration and buffeting at frequencies close to real aircraft and buffeting caused by atmospheric turbulence in the corresponding degrees of freedom.

The significance of the aircraft simulation cabin

The aircraft simulation cabin is a device that simulates various flight states of the aircraft on the ground. It is mainly used for flight training and scientific research. When operating in the simulation cabin, you can practice driving, piloting and other technologies, and you can observe and experience the phenomena and feelings in flight. All the instruments, joysticks, and even the sounds on the cabin are exactly the same as the real aircraft; in addition, the operation of the flight simulator is relatively simple, and visitors can complete take-off, landing, turning, aerobatics, etc. in a short time complex movements.

The greatest science value of the aircraft simulation cabin is that it enables visitors to experience the knowledge of flight manipulation, and through interactive manipulation, they can understand the basic knowledge of aviation, such as the generation of aircraft lift, the turning of the aircraft in the air, etc.

The aircraft simulation cabin includes a flight simulation cockpit composed of a simulated aircraft cover, instrument panel, pilot seat, steering wheel, etc., and a 3-channel display splicing system.

Flight Simulator Components

1, simulated cockpit

The simulated cockpit of the flight simulator used for training, its internal various control devices, instruments, signal display equipment, etc. are almost exactly the same as the actual aircraft, and their work and indications are also the same as the actual aircraft. Therefore, the pilot in the simulated cockpit, just Like in the cockpit of a real aircraft. When the pilot manipulates various control equipment (pilot stick, throttle, switch, etc.), not only various instruments and signal lights can work correspondingly, but also the sound from the corresponding equipment (such as the engine's The sound of roaring, the sound of retracting and retracting the landing gear) and the sound of the external environment (such as the sound of friction between the airframe and the airflow, the sound of thunder and rain, etc.). At the same time, the pilot's hands and feet can also have the sense of force generated by manipulating the aircraft.

2, Movement system

It is used to simulate the attitude and speed changes of the aircraft so that the pilot's body can feel the movement of the aircraft. Its motion system has 6 degrees of freedom. It mainly consists of 6 servo electric cylinders and the platforms supported to simulate the cockpit Just installed on the platform, it can drive the platform and make the cockpit simulate the movement changes of the aircraft.

3, visual system

It is used to simulate the scene outside the cockpit seen by the pilot, so that the pilot can judge the attitude, position, altitude, speed and weather of the aircraft. The advanced visual system uses a computer to generate the scene outside the cockpit. Then through projection, the display device displays it.

4, computer system

It is the nerve center of the flight simulator. The flight simulator is a real-time simulation control system with high real-time requirements, a large amount of exchanged information, and high precision requirements. The computer system is responsible for the mathematical model of each system of the entire simulator. Calculation and control tasks. Modern flight simulators are usually composed of several computers to form a network. Each computer not only processes different information separately, but also continuously communicates with each other, so that the entire simulator is coordinated. to run.

5,Teacher Console

It is the monitoring center of the flight simulator, mainly used to monitor and control the flight training situation. It can not only display various parameters of the aircraft flight (altitude, speed, heading, attitude...), the trajectory of the aircraft flight, Moreover, various flight conditions (wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, air pressure, starting position...) can be set. In addition, various faults can be set to train the pilot's ability to judge and deal with faults. Advanced The teacher's desk also has the functions of maintenance testing, assessment, identification and so on.
