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What are the system functions of the high-speed rail simulation system?

High-speed rail simulation ticketing systemThrough the establishment of a set of imitation railway ticket system with perfect functions, advanced equipment and targeted teaching, the daily ticketing operation processing of passengers from ticketing processing, personal identification inspection, security inspection processing, entry and exit ticket inspection, etc. has been completed. It is of great significance to provide teachers with a good scientific research platform based on the service knowledge and practical hands-on operation methods based on the knowledge level of passenger tickets.
Both the software and hardware of the high-speed rail simulation ticketing system can complete and practice station functions properly, and simulate the operation and processing procedures of personnel in different positions in the real working environment, enhancing students' ability to operate. The detailed functions are as follows:

1. Intuitive point of view allows students to understand the composition of the ticket system and the process of entry and exit.

2. After learning the operation of manual ticketing equipment, students can skillfully carry out ticket sales, ticket changes and other operations.

3. Students can understand the internal structure and operation process of the ticket gate and the automatic ticket machine module, and have certain maintenance and repair skills.

4. Students can learn to manually check the consistency of passenger ID cards and teach passengers to use automated check gates for ID card consistency verification. Through character imitation and etiquette learning, students can improve their communication and expression skills.